Experienced Attorneys for Every Aspect of Virginia and Military Protective Order Matters
Protective orders, also known as restraining orders, are legal tools designed to safeguard individuals from others who have threatened their safety through verbal and emotional abuse or physical violence. Such orders are issued by courts and, in the case of service members, by military commanders. Failure to comply with the terms of a protective order can have serious consequences.
If a Virginia protective order or military protective order has been issued against you, or if you are seeking such legal protection from another, Arquilla Law, PLC is prepared to assist you. Our lawyers offer decades of proven legal experience effectively handling protective orders.
Court-Issued Protective Orders
In Virginia, a court or magistrate may issue a preliminary protective order. Preliminary protective orders are temporary in nature and may be followed by a hearing to determine whether the protective order should remain in place for a period of time, such as for one or two years. At the hearing, the alleged victim and alleged offender are entitled to present evidence and to cross-examine witnesses against them.
While the purpose of a protective order is to provide needed protection to individuals, the process is sometimes misused to gain leverage in a divorce or child custody fight. We urge you to consult with Arquilla Law as soon as a temporary protective order has been issued against you, or if you have obtained one against another person. We will protect your rights and work toward achieving an effective legal resolution for your case.
Military Protective Orders
Military members may also be subject to a military protective order, issued by a commanding officer, which limits communication and contact with a family member. Unlike court-issued protective orders, no due process or a hearing is provided to a service member suspected of being involved in domestic abuse or other misconduct.
If your commanding officer has issued you a military protective order, we can help you protect your rights and your military career. Our attorneys have extensive military experience as former judge advocate officers (JAGs), and we have the knowledge and experience to assist clients with all aspects of this process. We can also assist alleged victims of domestic violence in the military community by contacting military officials to request the issue of a military protective order and by seeking protective orders from Virginia courts.
Contact Our Virginia Attorneys
To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our experienced divorce attorneys, complete and submit our online form or call 703-719-9292 for a free initial interview of up to 30 minutes. Our law offices are conveniently located at the intersection of Franconia Road and Beulah Street in the Alexandria section of Fairfax County, with ample free parking.